Datta Meghe Institute Of Medical Sciences


Meghe, Sawangi, Wardha, Maharashtra 442107


“Located in Sawangi-Meghe (Wardha) about 80 km away from Nagpur (Maharashtra), Datta Meghe Institute Of Higher Education & Research (Deemed to be University) is an excellent place for pursuing academic excellence in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Ayurveda, Pharmacy, Allied Sciences, Allied Health Sciences,
Epidemiology, Online Distance Learning and Virtual Learning.
Away from the city, this sprawling 125-acre campus is a self-sustaining complex, well-connected by road, rail, and air (via Nagpur) to all the major cities in the country.
DMIMS was granted the status of a Deemed to be University, by the University Grants Commission on 24th May 2005. It has also been included in the list of Deemed to be Universities under 12 B of UGC Act, 1956.”

Year of Established


Vice Chancellor

Dr. Lalitbhushan S. Waghmare


Award / Recognition

“Deemed to be University
ICT Enabled Program”


B.A.,B.Com,B.B.A. M.B.A.,M.C.A

Program objects

Learning resources

Online Programe Advantange 

Personalized attention
Self-paced learning
Open-schedule learning
Computer-based study
Real-time classes
Learning resources
Online application enabled curriculum
Supportive learning environment

Admission Process

Organisation where alumni currently working

Apollo Hospitals, Max Healthcare, AIIMS, Fortis Healthcare, and other prominent healthcare institutions

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