Centurion University Of Technology And Management


HIG-4, Floor 1&2, Jaydev Vihar,Opp Pal Heights, Bhubaneswar, Dist: Khurda, Odisha, India.


The journey of Centurion University of Technology and Management (CUTM) began in the year 2005 by a group of ambitious academics with aspirations to provide high quality education both nationally and internationally. The first step in this direction was to take over an ailing engineering Institute, the Jagannath Institute for Technology and Management (JITM) in one of the most challenging tribal districts of Odisha and one which was considered to be a left-wing extremist affected area. Subsequently, JITM was transformed into Centurion University of Technology and Management in August 2010, through an act of Odisha Legislative Assembly. It became the First Multi-Sector State Private University in Odisha.

Year of Established


Vice Chancellor


Award / Recognition



Program objects

Learning resources Online Programe Advantange 

Admission Process

STEP 1: Applicants desirous of seeking admission in Centurion University have to apply through the Centurion University Entrance Exam (CUEE) in Online or Offline Mode.

Note: Application Forms are available in our campuses, Branch offices and aspirants can apply online through our official website: www.cutm.ac.in
STEP 2: All Registered aspirants will be informed via mail about the test link, time and their log in credentials.

The CUEE test will be conducted Online through an Auto Proctored Mode.

STEP 3: University will publish the CUEE Score and communicate to all participants via mail/ post as to when the candidates can report for Counselling and admissions.

STEP 4: All the applicants who have qualified in the CUEE can take a provisional admission by paying applicable fees and depositing their documents within the time line given by the respective counselors.

Note: Scores of all National Level Tests are also accepted. Students need to produce the valid score card during the time of admission.
STEP 5: University will announce the document verification and reporting dates for various programs. All the students who have provisionally admitted needs to come to the respective campuses and produce their original documents and pay applicable fees to complete their final admission process.

STEP 6: Post completion of Reporting all the registered candidates will get their university registration no, class schedule, ID Card from the respective departments.

Organisation where alumni currently working

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