Address – 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058
About – The Sansthan was established in 15th October, 1970 as an autonomous organisation registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1860) for the development and promotion of Sanskrit all over the country. It is fully funded by Government of India. It functions as an apex body for propagation and development of Sanskrit and assists the Ministry of Human Resource Development in formulating and implementing various plans and schemes for the development of Sanskrit studies. It has assumed the role of a nodal body for the effective implementation of various recommendations made by the Sanskrit Commission set up by the Government of India, Ministry of Education in 1956 to consider the propagation and development of Sanskrit language and education in all its aspects.
Year of Established- 15th October, 1970
Vice Chancellor- Prof. Shrinivasa Varakhedi
Approval- NAAC A++
Award / Recognition- त्रिदिवसीय अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय संस्कृत विदुषी सम्मेलन, 2024
आस्ट्रेलिया – संस्कृतसङ्गोष्ठ्यां संस्कृतराजदूतोपाधिः
संस्कृतसप्ताहस्य समुद्घाटनकार्यक्रमः (१६/०८/२०२४ तः २२/०८/२०२४)
स्वतन्त्रतादिवससमारोहः 2024
भारतीयदीनदर्शिनी 2024-2025
जगद्गुरौ षष्ठः दीक्षान्तसमरोहः 2024
सरस्वती श्रुतिमहतां महीयताम्
अन्ताराष्ट्रिययोगदिवसे कुलपतीनाम् मुख्यातिथीनां चोद्बोधनम्।
शास्त्रप्रशिक्षणवर्गस्य समापनसमारोहः १९/०६/२४, कुलपतीनाम् आभासीयभाषणम्
प्रकाशनविषयकम् उपवेशनम्
एकषष्टितमी अखिभारतीयशास्त्रीयस्पर्धा – २०२३- २४, अयोध्याधाम, उत्तरप्रदेशराज्यम्
President of India Graces First Convocation of Central Sanskrit University, Delhi.
Central Sanskrit University, A Progressive Journey towards Excellence since 2020.
अखिलभारतीयशास्त्रीयस्पर्धाः अयोध्यायां भविष्यन्ति
केन्द्रीयसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालये विवेकानन्दजयन्त्युत्सवः समाचरितः
शैक्षिकगुणोत्कर्षः – Workshop on Excellence in Education Quality (22/11/23 – 28/11/23)
Course- śrīmadbhagavadgītā
āyurved sāhityam
yogadarśanam (pātañjalayogasūtram)
Program objects-
Learning resources- Programme wise / Course wise Self Learning Material. (SLM)
Online Programe Advantange-
Admission Process-
Step 1: Programme Selection
Step 2: Add Programme to Cart
Step 3: Upload Documents
Step 4: Book Online Counselling Slot
Step 5: Attend Counselling Session
Step 6: Payment Completion