Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University


Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is a multi-disciplinary, research-intensive, private university, educating a vibrant student population of over 24,000 by 1700+ strong faculty. Accredited with the highest possible ‘A++’ grade by NAAC, Amrita offers more than 250 UG, PG, and Ph.D. programs in Engineering, Management, and Medical Sciences including Ayurveda, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Agriculture Sciences, Arts & Humanities, and Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Year of Established


Award / Recognition

Times Higher Education (THE) Asia Award

International Green Gown Award

Excellence Award

A++ grade

NIRF Rankings


(BBA) (BA) (BCA) (B.Com.) (MBA) (MCA) (MSW)

Learning resources

Official Website

Learning Management System

Amrita Online Programs

Digital Library

Webinars and Online Workshops

Online Programe Advantange

Industry-aligned curriculum

Career and placement assistance

Top-ranked university: 

Collaboration with foreign universities


Admission Process

Online application

Entrance exam


Document submission

Seat allotment

Organisation where alumni currently working

Technology and IT

Finance and Consulting:

Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals:

Manufacturing and Engineering:

ucation and Research:

Startups and Entrepreneurship:

Government and NGOs Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University
Inquiry now!